GCS philosophy and ideology has direct effect in curriculum planning because it guides us in the selection of the objectives. Our objective helps in intellectual development rather than practical value. It teaches student how to reason, develops mental ability to solve the problems in practical life situations. It helps in using different methods for search of eternal truth and how to analyze the knowledge and methods of inquiry.
GCS secondary curriculum is designed for developing maximum potentialities of the students by including variety of learning activities to educate each student to its highest. This is a stage where students need skills and for that purpose subject matter must be included in the curriculum to help them in acquiring these skills like experimentation and the use of laboratory techniques so they advance the knowledge.
Secondary School students need high level of interest and motivation to discover methods. The content of the subject will be interesting and appealing to generate curiosity in the students to find more. In this way the student engage in finding the relationships in the subject matter presented to him, and engage the students in the process of inquiry.
GCS focus on Psychological foundation, every student has its own unique personality and they have differences in their learning and skills. They are different in nature so they can’t be treated alike in teaching learning process, some may be fast learner while other slow. Psychology helps in all the processes above in the development process of the curriculum. Our curriculum includes educational psychology to provide information particularly in four areas:
- Prepare objectives of education
- Characteristics of the students
- The leaning processes
- The methods of Teaching
Today psychology is the core and foundation element of all the learning processes; curriculum development, Child mental development, teaching methods, learning theories, administration of education system and planning, character building of the students, attitude of students and teacher, the society, the use of different technologies.